Imagine having a trusted companion who not only understands the practical aspects of end-of-life care, but also respects and cherishes every person's unique journey. My role goes beyond medical care; it's about creating a safe space where fears can be eased, memories shared, and wishes honored.
End of Life Planning- (starting at 6 hours) $333
Navigating the intricacies of life's final chapters, be it confronting a terminal diagnosis, enjoying retirement, tending to a loved one, or pondering the profound connections between mortality and a life well-lived, can be a daunting, yet rewarding journey. Throughout our sessions, you'll emerge equipped with a thoughtfully crafted portfolio summarizing your preferences, documents, and aspirations for your journey's end. Here are some of the topics discussed:
Navigating legal and essential paperwork
Considering long term care options
Crafting a vision for your final months, weeks, and hours
Designing celebrations of life, rituals and/or ceremonies
Planning what happens following the end of life
Legacy Project- (starting at 15 hours) $888
How would you like to be remembered? Let's create your beautiful and lasting memories. Some ideas include:
Photo books or video messages
Audio recorded interviews of life reviews or Dignity Therapy
Organizing and the naming of personal items
Writing letters for future readers
Audio Cardio Pulmonary Recordings (ACPR)- your recorded heart beat (or other audio) set to your favorite music.
Initial Consultation for Doula Services (30 minutes, virtual) Free
Doula Services (hourly rate) $75
Let's arrange a brief meeting to explore how we can work together. If you need immediate assistance or would like a trial, we offer hourly consultations. After understanding your needs, we will create a customized plan just for you.
End of Life Support and Doula Visits- (48 hours total, 4 hours per week, 90-day term) $2555
This is the offer where your aspirations begin to materialize. As your doula, I operate in the following capacity to empower you and your loved ones throughout illness and the active dying process, facilitating the realization of your end-of-life goals. Through in-person visits, I aim to alleviate feelings of confusion, isolation, or resentment by offering mental, emotional, and spiritual support. Fostering meaningful connections and the most peaceful end of life transition possible. Services are crafted to benefit the specific and unique needs of the client, and may include any or all of the following:
Facilitating mediation and advocacy to ensure the dying person's wishes are respected
Realization of the dying person's ideal last months, weeks, and hours
Providing comfort measures, including creating a tranquil environment
Offering music therapy, Reiki, acupuncture or other services to promote overall well-being
Arranging respite for caregivers
Extending mental, emotions and spiritual support to both the dying and their loved ones
Maintaining a comforting presence at the bedside
Planning vigils
Assisting loved ones as they navigate through grief
Comprehensive Doula Care Package- (72 hours, 6 hours per week, 90-day term) $3777
This comprehensive package encompasses any or all the services mentioned above, and additional guidance with planning and legacy work.
Planning, preparation and organization of everyday life responsibilities
Creating a legacy project
Support visits through the end of life for the dying person and their loved ones
Continuing support and bereavement assistance for your loved ones
Community Education and Speaking Events- Many are free, speaking engagements starting at $60 per hour
Simply Intentional holds various free seminars at local libraries for the community, keep in touch for updates. If your company or organization is interested in hosting a private speaking engagement, please contact us to explore the specifics. My expertise covers a variety of topics including grief, advanced planning, and embracing conscious living through the wisdom of mortality.
*Doula services currently booking for September 2024
Get in Touch
If you have more specific questions, refer to the FAQ page or contact me